S  o  u  t  h  e  r  n     I  l  l  i  n  o  i  s     U  n  i  v  e  r  s  i  t  y     C  a  r  b  o  n  d  a  l  e

  W e t l a n d  E c o l o g y  L a b

Cypress  Pines Pines


Peer-reviewed Publications

Chupp, A. D., A.M. Roder, L. L. Battaglia and J. F. Pagels.  In press 2013.  A case study of urban and peri-urban mammal communities:  implications for the management of National Park Service areas. Northeastern Naturalist.

Paudel, S. and L. L. Battaglia.  2013.  Sea level rise and germination of the invasive Triadica sebifera and two co-occurring native woody species across a Gulf Coast transition ecosystem.  Wetlands 33:  527-535.

Alsup, S.. E., S. D. Ebbs, L. L. Battaglia and W. A. Retzlaff.  2013.  Green roof systems as sources or sinks influencing heavy metal concentrations in runoff.  Landscape and Urban Planning 139:  502-508.

Tate, A.S. and L. L. Battaglia.  2013.  Disassembly and reassembly of coastal communities following experimental storm surge and wrack deposition.  Journal of Vegetation Science 24:  46-57.

Battaglia, L. L., M. S. Woodrey, M. S. Peterson, K. S. Dillon and J. M. Visser. In press. Coastal Ecosystems of the Gulf Coastal Plain. In Wetlands of North America: Ecology and Conservation Concerns, editors D. Batzer and A. Baldwin.

King, S. L., L. L. Battaglia, C. R. Hupp, R. F. Keim and B. G. Lockaby. In press. Floodplain Wetlands of the Southeastern Coastal Plain.   In Wetlands of North America:  Ecology and Conservation Concerns, editors D. Batzer and A. Baldwin.  

Visser, J. M., J. W. Day, Jr., L. L. Battaglia, G. P. Shaffer and M. W. Hester. In press. Mississippi River Delta Wetlands.  In Wetlands of North America:  Ecology and Conservation Concerns, editors D. Batzer and A. Baldwin.  

McLane, C. R., L. L. Battaglia, D. J. Gibson and J. G. Groninger.  2012.  Succession of exotic and native species assemblages across a chronosequence of restored floodplain forests:  a test of the parallel dynamics hypothesis.  Restoration Ecology 20:  202-210.

Kain, M., L. Battaglia, A. Royo and W. P. Carson. 2011. Over-browsing in Pennsylvania creates a depauperate forest dominated by an understory tree: Results from a 60-year-old deer exclosure. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 138: 322-326.

Alsup, S. E., S. D. Ebbs, L. L. Battaglia, and W. A. Retzlaff. 2011. Heavy metals in leachate from simulated green roof systems. Ecological Engineering 37: 1709-1717.

Wolff, J. M., L. Battaglia, T. C. Carter, L. B. Rodman, E. R. Britzke and G. A. Feldhamer.  2009.  Effects of tornado disturbance on bat communities in southern Illinois.  Northeastern Naturalist 16:  553-562.

Nelson, J. L., J. W. Groninger, C. M. Ruffner and L. L. Battaglia.  2009.  Past land use, disturbance regime change, and vegetation response in a southern Illinois floodplain conservation area.  Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 136:  242-256.

King, S. L., R. R. Sharitz, J. W. Groninger and L. L. Battaglia.  2009.  Ecology, restoration, and management of floodplains:  a synthesis. Wetlands 29:  624–634.  

Battaglia, L. L., J. S. Denslow, J. R. Inczauskis and S. G. Baer.  2009.  Effects of native vegetation on invasion success of Chinese Tallow in a floating marsh ecosystem.  Journal of Ecology 97:   239–246.  

Nelson, J. L., J. W. Groninger, L. L. Battaglia and C. M. Ruffner.  2008.  Regeneration response to tornado and salvage harvesting in a bottomland forest.  Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Athens, GA.      

Shirley, L. J. and L. L. Battaglia.  2008.  Projecting fine resolution land-cover dynamics in a rapidly changing coastal landscape.  Journal of Coastal Research 24:  1545-1554.

Battaglia, L. L., P. R. Minchin and D. W. Pritchett.  2008.  Evaluating dispersal limitation in passive bottomland forest restoration.  Restoration Ecology 16:  417-424.

Nelson, J. L., J. W. Groninger, L. L. Battaglia and C. M. Ruffner.  2008.  Bottomland hardwood forest vegetation and soils recovery following a tornado and salvage logging.  Forest Ecology and Management 256:  388-395.

Collins, B. and L. L. Battaglia.  2008.  Oak regeneration in bottomland hardwood forests.  Forest Ecology and Management 255:  3026-3034.

Battaglia, L. L., J. S. Denslow and T. G. Hargis.  2007.  Does woody species establishment alter herbaceous community composition of freshwater floating marshes?  Journal of Coastal Research 23:  1580-1587.

Shirley, L. J. and L. L. Battaglia.  2006.  Assessing vegetation change in coastal marsh-forest transitions along the northern Gulf of Mexico using National Wetlands Inventory data.  Wetlands 26:  1057-1070.

Battaglia, L. L. and B. S. Collins.  2006.  Linking hydroperiod and vegetation response in Carolina Bay wetlands.  Plant Ecology 184:  173-185.  

Battaglia, L. L. and R. R. Sharitz.  2006.  Response of floodplain forest species to spatially condensed gradients: a test of the flood-shade tolerance tradeoff hypothesis.  Oecologia 147:  108-118.

Battaglia, L. L. and R. R. Sharitz.  2005.  Effects of natural disturbance on bottomland hardwood regeneration.  In: Ecology and Management of Bottomland Hardwood Systems: The State of Our Understanding. L. H. Fredrickson, S. L. King and R. M. Kaminski, editors. University of Missouri-Columbia. Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico.

Battaglia, L. L., B. S. Collins and R. R. Sharitz.  2004.  Do published tolerance ratings and dispersal factors predict species distributions in bottomland hardwoods?  Forest Ecology and Management 198:  15-30.

Battaglia, L. L., B. S. Collins and P. B. Weisenhorn.  2004.  Quercus michauxii regeneration in and around aging canopy gaps.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34:  1-6.

Denslow, J. S. and L. L. Battaglia.  2002.  Stand composition and structure across a changing hydrologic gradient:  Jean Lafitte National Park. Wetlands 22:  738-752.  

Battaglia, L. L., P.R. Minchin and D. W. Pritchett.  2002.  Sixteen years of old-field succession and reestablishment of a bottomland hardwood forest in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley.  Wetlands 22:  1-17.

Collins, B. S. and L. L. Battaglia.  2002.  Microenvironmental heterogeneity and Quercus michauxii regeneration in experimental canopy gaps. Forest Ecology and Management 155:  281-292.  

Collins, B. S. and L. L. Battaglia.  2001.  Hydrology effects on propagule bank expression and vegetation in six Carolina Bays.  Community Ecology 2:  21-33.

Battaglia, L.L., S. A. Foré, S. A. and R. R. Sharitz.  2000.  Seedling emergence, survival and size in relation to light and water availability in two bottomland hardwood species.  Journal of Ecology 88:  1041-1050.

Battaglia, L. L., R. R. Sharitz and P. R. Minchin.  1999.  Patterns of seedling and overstory composition along a gradient of hurricane disturbance in an old-growth bottomland hardwood community.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29:  144-156.

Battaglia, L. L., J. R. Keough and D. W. Pritchett.  1995.  Early secondary succession in a southeastern U.S. alluvial floodplain.  Journal of Vegetation Science 6:  769-776.